Sustainability From Definition to Action

In the News!

    When you turn on the news you will most likely hear the word "environment" and "crisis" combined somewhere within the news coverage each night. Climate change has been at the forefront of news coverage lately with the natural disasters happening more frequently. A simple search on results in almost 20 000 articles and videos that include the word "climate change". If you search the words "environment" and "nature", the results increase to almost 65 000 articles and videos. When you search up "sustainable" or "sustainability" the number is around 8 000.  I found it interesting that out of the three searches I did, "sustainability" brought back the least amount of results. This made me wonder if the changing definition of sustainability impacted the reporting on the topic. 

Use the link below to see which sustainability buzz words have been in the news lately.

Try some of these: earth, sustainability, economy, United Nations, environment, nature, green, climate change

Wait, What Does it Mean?

The word sustainability has many meanings and definitions depending on who you consult with and the context of the conversation.  Environmentalist and business leaders will have different definitions of what sustainability is. Even amongst like minded thinkers there is also differing definitions, though they often have many similarities. However, there seems to be a consensus that it involves the environment and living in a way that protects it. How protection is planned, or implemented differs depending on the organization or governing body and their interest. Even your location in the world can impact the way sustainability is defined. 

The video below uses the UN Brundtland Commission definition, which is the definition that I align myself with, as it connects with the present, looks towards the future, and clearly involves environmental protection. 

"Draining the bathtub, faster than filling it"

The above quote from the video makes me think about various actions that we can take to advance sustainability further. If the bathtub was running out of water I would simply plug the hole. While I watched this video, I contemplated about the actions needed to "plug the hole" for our environment to be able to move back into an equilibrium state, and live in a more sustainable way.

Connected Globally 

Generally, I find that people are aware of the need to take action against climate change. One of the first photos from space titled "Earthrise" brought society together on a global level as it showed the vulnerability of the planet. This photo connected people and helped advance the idea of global citizenship and the responsibility we have.

The video below looks at the impact of the Earthrise photo and shows pieces of an interview from the astronauts who took it. The astronauts discussed the beauty of the earth and highlights the importance of protecting it. Near the end of the video Colonel Frank Borman mentioned "you realize boundaries we have are artificial ones", I feel that this truly stresses the way we need to approach sustainability moving forward. The action needed to address current climate concerns requires every person working together as global citizens. 


To be able to create change, we need to work towards the same goals. The United Nations developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The website below provides further details to each goal and briefly discusses ways to take action and help reach these fundamental goals. 

The UN goals are a clear road map that accentuates a path towards a sustainable future by creating a society where these goals are at the front and centre.  A list of 17 goals can seem daunting for individuals who want to make an impact on a global scale due to lack of tools and resources. The slogan "think globally, act locally" has been connected to the environmental movement for many years. Thinking local is a good place to start but as the article below states, one should proceed with caution when deciding on local actions as it can also negatively impact people in less developed nations and the action you take may not be enough to make an impact. 
"Think Globally, Act Locally" 

When looking at the local actions I can take, I believe it is important  to make sure my local actions are truly helping the global cause. If my local action is solely helping me feel better but not genuinely contributing to change, then what is the purpose. Finding organizations that have a good track record and include the science behind the action is a good place to start looking for concrete ways to take action. Below I have highlighted a national and a local organization that helps people take actions towards living more sustainably. 

David Suzuki Foundation 
When you enter the Take Action portion on the site, the following quote greets you:
"All of us can make a difference. Use your voice, your devices, your lifestyle choices or your time and talents. The collective action adds up to urgently needed social change."
I find this quote invites me and inspires me to take action.

Green Action Centre - Manitoba's Hub for Green Living 
This organization helps local residents live sustainably. 

"Here you will find practical, simple and effective ways to live sustainably – at work, at home, at school, and in your community." 

The Take Away

The action needed to promote sustainability living differs from place to place. However, finding local initiatives that support sustainability and work towards a cleaner and greener community not only helps the local community goals, it also supports the global need for change. Connecting with local groups can help you ensure that the action you take helps works towards global sustainable goals. 

What action will you take?


CBC. (2022, 10 1). Search Retrieved from CBC:        q=environment%20and%20nature&section=news&sortOrder=relevance&media=all

David Suzuki Foundation . (n.d.). Take Action . Retrieved from David Suzuki Foundation :

Green Action Centre. (n.d.). Manitoba's Hub for Green Living . Retrieved from Green Action Centre:

Mikulska, A. (n.d.). Think Globally, Act Locally… Think Globally Again. Retrieved from Wharton :

NASA. (2020, 12 23). Apollo 8 Earthrise . Retrieved from NASA:

Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals . (n.d.). Retrieved from UN:

YouTube. (2018). Earthrise: The Story of the Photo that Changed the World. YouTube. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from 

YouTube. (2021). What is Sustainability. YouTube. Retrieved October 1, 2022, from 
