
Showing posts from October, 2022

Sustainability From Definition to Action

In the News!      When you turn on the news you will most likely hear the word "environment" and "crisis" combined somewhere within the news coverage each night. Climate change has been at the forefront of news coverage lately with the natural disasters happening more frequently. A simple search on results in almost 20 000 articles and videos that include the word "climate change". If you search the words "environment" and "nature", the results increase to almost 65 000 articles and videos. When you search up "sustainable" or "sustainability" the number is around 8 000.  I found it interesting that out of the three searches I did, "sustainability" brought back the least amount of results. This made me wonder if the changing definition of sustainability impacted the reporting on the topic.  Use the link below to see which sustainability buzz words have been in the news lately. Try some of these: earth