
Showing posts from March, 2023

Vegetarian for a Week

 Vegetarian for a Week, or  Maybe a Couple Days! Why? When I read this assignment I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I have always wanted to make more of an effort to reduce the amount of meat in my diet. However, this takes planning and time. I knew I needed to connect with my "why" so that I would be motivated to continue. What was the deeper reason I wanted to attempt to go vegetarian for a week?  After mind mapping reasons I wanted to make this change I settled on this "why": I want to attempt no meat as I know the negative impacts meat production has on the environment. For me, anytime I connect sustainability to something I tend to have more success with that goal. For example, 7 years ago I opted not to drink bottled water and 7 years later I have not touched bottled water all because I knew the implications of the waste I was generating. My hope is connecting my vegetarian week to sustainability I will be more successful and last the whole week.  This video